Welcome to SMA's abstract library. This library includes video presentations of abstracts presented by Medical Students, Residents, Fellows and Physician Members as part of the Southern Medical Association's Physicians-in-Training program, Annual Scientific Assembly and the Southern Regional Burn Conference. To learn more about SMA's Physicians-In-training opportunities, or to submit an abstract, visit SMA's Physician-in-Training page.
Education // Abstracts
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Gunshot wounds(GSW) can precipitate a variety of acute or chronic infectious complications across different organ systems, and can involve a wide range of organisms.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Increasing Mississippi’s HPV Vaccination Rate: A Proposal Based on Providers’ Insights
Despite high childhood vaccination rates for required vaccinations for kindergarten, including the MMR vaccine, Mississippi has the lowest HPV vaccination rate in the nation (Campbell, 2019).
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Spontaneous LAD in a 62 Year-Old Lad: A Case Report
A 62 y.o. male presented to his primary care clinic due to 10/10 stabbing chest pain associated with shortness of breath and diaphoresis. Chest pain was sudden in onset, not relieved with leaning forward. Past medical history was significant for CAD, HTN, COPD with end-stage lung disease and continued tobacco use.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Cognitive development is the study of how the brain develops as an individual ages. Specifically, the study of cognitive development focuses on the areas of emotional, structural, and motor development.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Ambient Ultraviolet Exposure Decreases Thyroid Cancer Risk in Black Populations: A Multiethnic Study
Thyroid cancer is the most prevalent endocrine tumor with 44,280 cases projected to occur in 2021 alone. Increased ultraviolet (UV) solar exposure and subsequent Vitamin D levels have been inversely associated with incidences of other solid malignancies, including prostate, female breast, and ovarian cancers due to its ability to inhibit angiogenesis and tumor cell progression.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Proteoglycan Dysregulation in Chondrodysplasia Disorders: A Narrative Review
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is composed of proteoglycans and is the non-cellular, structural material surrounding and supporting cells. Perlecan, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) encoded by the HSPG2 gene, exists in the ECM of endothelium basement membranes and is critical in processes such as angiogenesis and cartilaginous and osseous development.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
An Unfortunate Trio: Esophageal Kaposi Sarcoma, Immune Thrombocytopenia, And Uremia-Induced Platelet Dysfunction
HIV can cause a wide range of systemic sequelae and complicate patients’ hospital course in unexpected ways. Here, we present a case of newly diagnosed HIV leading to various infectious and autoimmune conditions that all contributed to dangerous gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Clinical Conundrum: A Rare Case of Osteomyelitis Posing as Metastatic Disease
Symptoms of chronic osteomyelitis are difficult to recognize, with non-specific pain being the most common finding. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) imaging has been found to have the highest diagnostic accuracy for confirming or excluding chronic osteomyelitis in a patient.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Gynecomastia with Dasatinib Use in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
Gynecomastia is defined as enlargement of the glandular tissue in male breasts. Gynecomastia is an uncommon manifestation during treatment with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, such as dasatinib or imatinib, with only a few reports of this occurrence. We describe a case highlighting this event and propose a potential treatment.
Abstract | April 5, 2022
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli enterotoxins modulate IL-1 signaling and alter mucosal immunity
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are a major cause of diarrheal disease in children younger than 5. Current treatment for ETEC infection is oral rehydration therapy, and there are no licensed vaccines.