Letter to the Editor

Physician Duties and Responsibilities in Pandemics

To the Editor: In early February 2020, the World Health Organization declared the 2019 novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) to be nearing a global pandemic. Not since the outbreaks of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) of 2002–2003 and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) of 2015 have population concerns and medical attention…

Posted in: Infectious Disease142


Increasing the Rural Workforce of Family Medicine Physicians: A Community-Focused Approach

There is an increased need for Family Medicine physicians,1 who make up approximately 40% of the primary care workforce.2 Family Medicine physicians are on the front lines of providing comprehensive care to people who, in many instances, have difficulty accessing subspecialty care, including people living in rural communities.

Original Article

Rate of Food Insecurity Among Households with Children with Sickle Cell Disease is Above the National Average

Objectives: Despite studies demonstrating the negative impact of food insecurity on health in children, limited research has been done to assess the prevalence and sequelae of food insecurity in sickle cell disease (SCD). We tested the hypothesis that food insecurity is common in children with SCD and is associated with…

Posted in: Hematology10


Maternal Cotinine Levels and Red Blood Cell Folate Concentrations in the Periconceptual Period

Objectives: Studies have examined the association between tobacco use and folate levels in pregnancy, yet few have assessed this relation using objective and accurate measures of both smoking and folate. In this study, we evaluated the association between maternal cotinine levels and periconceptional red blood cell (RBC) folic acid reserves…

Original Article

CME Article: Adherence to Guideline-Based Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Gynecology among Alabama Providers

Objectives: Surgical site infection (SSI) is a preventable cause of postoperative morbidity. The appropriate use of perioperative antibiotics for prevention of SSIs is a well-established quality metric. Little is known about the adherence to guidelines-based antibiotic prophylaxis among Alabama obstetricians and gynecologists. Our aims were to determine their adherence to…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology47

Original Article

Obesity and Severe Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Prevalence and Risk Factors

Objective: Research suggests a high prevalence of obesity in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), but the prevalence of severe obesity and its association with risk factors unique to this population remain undetermined. This study sought to compare the prevalence of severe obesity in children with ASDs to that of…

Original Article

An Examination of Racial Disparities in Inpatient Consultations

Objective: To determine whether racial disparities occurred among specialty and allied health inpatient consultations for patients admitted to adult hospital services at an academic hospital. Methods: A retrospective data analysis of the first 2000 patients, ages 18 years or older, admitted to an academic hospital. Results: No regression model demonstrated…

Original Article

Hispanic Health Paradox at the Border: Substance, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use among Latinx Immigrants Seeking Free or Reduced-Cost Care in Southernmost Texas

Objective: Although substantial research has explored the Hispanic health paradox (HHP) and suggests that Latinx immigrants experience positive health outcomes relative to those born in the United States, less research has assessed the role of immigration status. Our aim was to examine this role in Latinx health. Methods: Using survey…

Review Article

Patient Perception of Orthopedic Surgeon Reimbursement

Significant attention has been directed at evaluating reimbursement rates to orthopedic surgeons for various surgical procedures. To evaluate patients’ understanding of the surgeon reimbursement process, studies using patient surveys have been conducted to determine patients’ perceptions of orthopedic surgeon compensation. To date, there has been no systematic review to consolidate…

Review Article

Munchausen Syndrome

Munchausen syndrome is a factitious disorder that is difficult to diagnose and treat. This article clarifies points for clinical recognition and management of patients with this condition. Patients with this condition often are dramatic and provide false and/or exaggerated symptoms or information. They solicit attention from physicians, going doctor-to-doctor, having…

Posted in: Mental Health44
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