SMJ Article | Original Article

CME Article: Comparison of Robotic and Laparoscopic Colectomies Using the 2019 ACS NSQIP Database

Objectives: Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgeries (RLSs) have become increasingly common in the past decade alongside conventional laparoscopic surgeries (CLSs). In general, RLSs have been reported to be superior to CLSs; therefore, we compared both methods among patients undergoing an elective colectomy for differences in perioperative factors and postoperative complications. Methods: A...

Posted in: Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

Does Finding Cecal Adenoma Increase the Risk of Discovering More and Advanced Adenomas in the Remainder of the Colon?

Objectives: Adenomatous polyps are common, occurring in up to 25% of the population older than 50 years of age in the United States. Conflicting data are present in the literature about the impact of specific adenoma locations and the prediction on the number and advanced histology of adenomas elsewhere. With...

Posted in: Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

CME Article: Predictors of Nonadherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening among Hospitalized Women

Objectives: Despite proven mortality benefit, disparities in colorectal cancer (CRC) screening utilization persist, especially among younger women, minorities, and low-income women, even those who are insured. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate and estimate the effects of sociodemographic and clinical variables associated with nonadherence to CRC screening...

Posted in: Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

Assessing Colorectal Cancer Screening Barriers in Rural Appalachia

Objectives: The age-appropriate colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rate in the rural Appalachian area is low compared with the national rate, which may account for the overall higher incidence of CRC in this area. The purpose of this study was to explore potential barriers to CRC screening in the West Virginia...

Posted in: Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

Endoscopic Mucosal Resection for Colonic Mucosal Neoplasia and Evaluation of Long-Term Recurrence: A Single-Center Experience of 500 Cases

Objectives: Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is an alternative to surgery for the treatment of large laterally spreading lesions. Residual or recurrent adenoma is a major limitation. This study aimed to quantify early and late recurrences and to assess its associated risk factors. Methods: The study was a single-center, multiendoscopist, longitudinal...

Posted in: Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

Factors Associated with Colorectal Cancer Screening among Mississippi Adults: Findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

Objectives: Mississippi has one of the highest mortality rates in colorectal cancer (CRC) and one of the lowest rates of CRC screening in the United States. The purpose of the study was to assess the characteristics of Mississippians who met the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation on CRC...

Posted in: Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

Open Access: Inconsistencies in Colonic Tattooing Practice: Differences in Reported and Actual Practices at a Tertiary Medical Center

Objectives: Accurate localization of a colonic lesion is crucial to successful resection. Although colonic tattooing is a widely accepted technique to mark lesions for future identification surgery or repeat colonoscopy, no consensus guidelines exist. The objective of this study was to determine whether the current tattooing practice at a tertiary...

Posted in: Gastroenterology44 Colonic And Anorectal Disease8

SMJ Article | Original Article

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Rather than Colonoscopy Is Adequate for the Diagnosis of Ipilimumab-Associated Colitis

Objectives: Treatment with ipilimumab, a cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 approved for metastatic melanoma can result in clinically significant immune-mediated drug injury in the form of colitis. Timely diagnosis and response are essential for optimal management. The aims of our study were to determine the percentage of our patients with ipilimumab-associated...

Posted in: Gastroenterology44 Colonic And Anorectal Disease8
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