SMJ Article | Original Article

Extended Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis after Robotic Staging for Endometrial Cancer

Objectives: Our objectives were to estimate the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) after robotic staging for endometrial cancer and to compare the incidence of VTE in patients who received a single dose of preoperative prophylaxis of enoxaparin with those who received extended postoperative prophylaxis. Methods: This study is a retrospective...

Posted in: Gynecologic Cancer6

SMJ Article | Original Article

OPEN: Sentinel Lymph Node Sampling in Robot-Assisted Staging of Endometrial Cancer

Objective: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) sampling in endometrial cancer staging has become an acceptable standard. Indocyanine green dye injected into the cervix and detected by near-infrared light is technically simple and sensitive. We aimed to evaluate SLN sampling in robot-assisted surgical staging of endometrial cancer at a university-affiliated teaching hospital....

Posted in: Gynecologic Cancer6

SMJ Article | Original Article

CME Article: Trends in Incidence and Mortality Rates of Uterine Cancer in Kentucky

Objectives: The objective of this analysis was to gauge how the incidence and mortality of uterine cancer in Kentucky have changed from 1995 through 2017. An assessment of the trends in incidence and mortality across different geographic areas and between different races was also performed. Methods: Age-adjusted annual incidence and...

Posted in: Gynecologic Cancer6 Uterine Disorders2

SMJ Article | Original Article

Trends in Premature Deaths among Women Living with HIV/AIDS and Cervical Cancer

Objectives: There is a lack of updated information on premature death and years of potential life lost (YPLL) among human immunodeficiency (HIV)–positive women with cervical cancer. We hypothesize that increased access to preventive resources such as antiretroviral therapy, preexposure prophylaxis, and human papillomavirus vaccines has reduced premature mortality and YPLL...

Posted in: Infectious Disease134 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) And Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection20 Gynecologic Cancer6

SMJ Article | Original Article

Uterine Corpus Malignancies in Appalachia Kentucky: Incidence, Survival, and Related Health Disparities

Objectives: Uterine cancer is the nation’s most common gynecologic malignancy, but it is understudied in the geographically and socioeconomically diverse state of Kentucky (KY). Our aim was to assess the frequency, distribution, and survival of uterine corpus malignancies in KY, and specifically the differences between Appalachia (AP) and non-Appalachia (NAP)...

Posted in: Gynecologic Cancer6 Uterine Disorders2

SMJ Article | Original Article

When to Worry about Cancer: Concurrent Carcinoma and Recurrence in Borderline Ovarian Tumors

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to identify and assess the factors associated with concurrent carcinoma and recurrence in women with epithelial borderline ovarian tumors.Methods: The cancer and pathology databases at a tertiary care academic cancer center were queried for all borderline ovarian tumors from 2005 to 2015. Cases...

Posted in: Medical Oncology24 Ovarian Disorders And Female Reproductive Health3 Gynecologic Cancer6 Ovarian Disorders3
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