SMJ Article | Multidisciplinary Clinical Case Study

Fibrin-Associated Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Found on Revision Arthroplasty of the Knee

Fibrin-associated diffuse large B cell lymphoma (FA-DLBCL) is a rare Epstein-Barr viruspositive B cell lymphoma that is nonmass-forming, does not directly produce symptoms, and is incidentally discovered on histological examination of tissues excised for other reasons. Despite overlap in morphologic and immunophenotypic features with aggressive B cell neoplasms, FA-DLBCL shows...

Posted in: Hematology10 Medical Oncology24

SMJ Article | Perspectives

A Deadly Thrombotic Microangiopathy Syndrome without Schistocytosis

Establishing a diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is not always straightforward, and significant vigilance and a low threshold of suspicion are necessary on the part of the clinician. A delayed or misdiagnosis may result in patient harm in the form of organ failure or even death. TMA is clinically diagnosed...

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Original Article

HIT-It or Quit It: Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Testing Appropriateness Using 4T Scoring and Inappropriate Testing Cost Analysis

Objectives: The American Society of Hematology’s 4T scoring system is a validated tool to assess a patient’s probability of having heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) before testing is performed. There is no benefit to testing patients with a low probability 4T score for HIT. This study aimed to assess for inappropriate HIT...

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Original Article

Rate of Food Insecurity Among Households with Children with Sickle Cell Disease is Above the National Average

Objectives: Despite studies demonstrating the negative impact of food insecurity on health in children, limited research has been done to assess the prevalence and sequelae of food insecurity in sickle cell disease (SCD). We tested the hypothesis that food insecurity is common in children with SCD and is associated with...

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Original Article

Fetal Hemoglobin Modulators May Be Associated With Symptomology of Football Players with Sickle Cell Trait

Objectives: This study investigates whether genetic modifiers previously shown to influence adult fetal hemoglobin (HbF) levels and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency were associated with variable symptomology in a small sample of collegiate football players with sickle cell trait.Methods: Survey data on self-assessed symptoms and genotype data from five single nucleotide polymorphisms...

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Original Article

Sickle Cell Disease, More Than Just Pain: The Mediating Role of Psychological Symptoms

Objectives: Perceived stress is associated with sickle cell disease (SCD) pain; however, little is known about psychological mechanisms that may clarify this link among adult patients. This study explored whether anxiety and depression symptoms explained the relation between perceived stress and SCD pain episode frequency among 70 African-American adults (51.4%...

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Original Article

Contraceptive Methods and the Impact of Menstruation on Daily Functioning in Women with Sickle Cell Disease

Objectives: Women with sickle cell disease (SCD) are living longer as a result of advances in the care of their underlying disease. With the population growing of women living with SCD, reproductive health issues in this population have become an emphasized area of medical care. We sought to describe current...

Posted in: Hematology10 Menopause: Management, Risks, & Benefits of Therapy1 Family Planning & Reproductive Health16

SMJ Article | Invited Commentary

Commentary on “Lessons Learned from Building a Pediatric-to-Adult Sickle Cell Transition Program”

In their article “Lessons Learned from Building a Pediatric-to-Adult Sickle Cell Transition Program,” which appears in this issue of the Southern Medical Journal, Smith and colleagues highlight the challenges of the healthcare transition for this already high-risk population.1 The problem cannot be understated.

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Original Article

Lessons Learned from Building a Pediatric-to-Adult Sickle Cell Transition Program

Objective: More effective transitions and transfers of young people with sickle cell disease (SCD) into the adult healthcare setting is a focus of both primary care and specialty care medical organizations. Effective transition and transfer requires six core elements: establishing a policy, tracking progress, administering transition readiness assessments, planning for...

Posted in: Hematology10

SMJ Article | Multidisciplinary Clinical Case Study

An Underappreciated and Prolonged Drug Interaction Leads to Ineffective Anticoagulation

A poorly understood significant drug–drug interaction compounded by ineffective communication among providers at times of care transition most likely contributed to multiple thromboembolic events in an 81-year-old patient. Increased awareness of drug interactions with direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), as well as improved communication among inpatient and outpatient providers at the...

Posted in: Hematology10
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