Welcome to SMA's abstract library. This library includes video presentations of abstracts presented by Medical Students, Residents, Fellows and Physician Members as part of the Southern Medical Association's Physicians-in-Training program, Annual Scientific Assembly and the Southern Regional Burn Conference. To learn more about SMA's Physicians-In-training opportunities, or to submit an abstract, visit SMA's Physician-in-Training page.
Education // Abstracts
Abstract | March 15, 2023
Distinguishing Between Postictal Mania and Bipolar Disorder in Individuals with Epilepsy
A number of studies have examined the occurrence of affective disorders in the context of epilepsy, but these studies generally focus on depression, and few have focused on mania.1 There are case reports of patients with epilepsy experiencing postictal manic symptoms. In this situation, there is generally a four-sequence period of lucidity, mania, hypomania and remission.2. In individuals with epilepsy, the prevalence of bipolar disorder is only 1.5%, whereas the prevalence of postictal mania is 11.8%. 34. This case report reveals a patient with past medical history of epilepsy with no reported psychiatric history of depression or mania who presented with two recent episodes of mania with no recent seizures reported by the patient or his family who had closely observed him for the preceding two months.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
A Rare Case of Mycobacterium conceptionense infection in a Post-Renal Transplant Diabetic in the Southeastern United States
With an increasing rate of non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections globally, there is a high demand for research on markers of diagnosis, knowledge from previous cases, and treatment options. Commonly found through contaminated water, soil, and animal products, mycobacterial infections can present with skin infections and can have severe pulmonary consequences, requiring months of antibiotic treatment. Under 30 cases have been reported of Mycobacterium conceptionense infection. Cases have been reported in France, Iran, and South Korea among other areas. In the United States, there have been three reported cases of M. conceptionense infection, all of which were in the midwestern Chicago, Illinois area. We report the first case of a M. conceptionense infection in the Southeastern part of the USA in Memphis, Tennessee. Additionally, to date, no prior cases have been reported after an organ transplant or in relation to diabetes requiring insulin
Abstract | March 15, 2023
A Case Report of Catfish Induced Bacteremia
In this case, the Patient is a 60-year-old African-American male with a past medical history of alcohol abuse and daily smoker presented to the ED with a chief complaint of right upper extremity swelling for the past two days. Patient reports that he was fishing, and got stung between his index finger and middle finger on his right hand by a catfish. Patient reports that it was painful initially, then it became more painful and swollen until he came into the ED. Patient was difficult to understand as he was lethargic; however, he stated that he felt well besides his swollen arm. Upon arrival to the Emergency Department, he was lethargic, coded, and expired within hours of admission. Patient blood cultures came back positive for E. tarda.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
A Rare Accident Resulting in a Traumatic Ventral Septal Defect
Traumatic ventricular septal defect (VSD) secondary to blunt chest injury is a rare occurrence. Etiology of traumatic VSD has previously been investigated and has been narrowed down to two unique mechanisms. One mechanism is a posttraumatic myocardial infarction leading to weakened septal tissue resulting in decreased wall integrity and elasticity after the traumatic impact. Another possible pathogenesis is the compression of the spine against the sternum during blunt impact. This causes an increase in pressure on the septal wall resulting in an acute rupture. Most case reports with traumatic VSDs present acutely in addition to other traumatic injuries. In this case there is an unusual subacute presentation.
Abstract | March 15, 2023
Complications following Hook Plate Fixation of the Acromioclavicular Joint: A Systematic Review
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries commonly occur due to direct physical trauma to the lateral aspect of the shoulder. Several surgical techniques can be used to reconstruct the AC joint including hook plate, allograft, suture-button construct, Kirschner-wires, and the Bosworth screw. Numerous studies have reported complications following various techniques for AC joint reconstruction which differ due to the different types of equipment used. The purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review of the literature to determine common complications following hook plate fixation of AC joint. Methods: A systematic review was performed according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and Web of Science were searched for studies that were peer-reviewed publications in English, from 2000 to present that discussed methods of AC joint reconstruction. Studies conducted in the United States or countries that offer the same surgical intervention options were included. Studies were excluded if they were not a peer-reviewed study.
Abstract | March 14, 2023
VAXXED & BOOSTED: Increasing COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Through Convenience of Vaccination Location
Pitt County is ranked 48th out of the 100 counties in North Carolina for COVID-19 vaccination rates, with only 53.8% of the population fully vaccinated. West Greenville, located in Pitt County, is historically of lower economic status, leading to poorer social determinants of health. The goal of the VAXXED & BOOSTED campaign is to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates in West Greenville by bringing the vaccine to locations that socioeconomically disadvantaged residents of West Greenville frequently visit.
Abstract | December 20, 2022
A Diagnosis of a Bronchopulmonary Fistula Due to COVID-19 Infection
A 77-year-old male with a history of hypertension, presented to the emergency department for evaluation of flu and COVID like symptoms including rhinorrhea, anosmia, anorexia, headaches, and generalized weakness.
Abstract | December 20, 2022
The Effect of 17-Beta-Estradiol on Cognitive Function
This review used a compilation of five studies to demonstrate the influence of 17-beta-estradiol on cognition using both qualitative and quantitative data. The research was also conducted on female rat models.
Abstract | December 20, 2022
Need for Earlier Surgical Interventions in Covid-19 Positive Elderly Patients: A Description of Video-Assisted Thoracotomy
A 95-year-old female presented 2 weeks after a ground-level fall with increased oxygen requirements, multiple rib fractures, and a left-sided hemothorax. Initial management with aggressive respiratory therapy, multiple pigtail chest tubes, and thrombolytics failed to drain the hematoma.
Abstract | December 20, 2022
Palliative Right Hip Disarticulation for Bulky Ulcerating Metastatic Melanoma to Inguinal Lymph Nodes
The patient's melanoma was initially diagnosed in 2015 on his right heel as acral lentiginous melanoma, stage pT3b (Breslow thickness of 2.8 mm, ulceration present).