Letter to the Editor

On “Comparison of the Usability and Reliability of Answers to Clinical Questions: AI-Generated ChatGPT versus a Human-Authored Resource”

Authors: Hinpetch Daungsupawong, PhD, Viroj Wiwanitkit, MD


To the Editor: We would like to comment regarding the article by Manian and colleagues, “Comparison of the Usability and Reliability of Answers to Clinical Questions: AI-Generated ChatGPT versus a Human-Authored Resource.”1 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability and reliability of clinical question responses generated by Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) to those created by humans on the medical Web site Pearls4Peers.com (P4P). The researchers focused on two aspects of clinical data quality: usability (organization, readability, relevance, and utility) and reliability (clarity, accuracy, and completeness).

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1. Manian FA, Garland K, Ding J. Comparisonoftheusability and reliability of answers to clinical questions: AI-generated ChatGPT versus a human-authored resource. South Med J 2024;117:467–473.