Original Article

Open Access: Social Determinants’ Role in Pediatric Respiratory Health: Health Insights from Central Florida

Authors: Aledie A. Navas Nazario, MD, Shedeline Ulysse, AA, Emily C. Craver, MS, Tanvi R. Patel, MD


Objectives: Despite advances in therapies and educational initiatives, pediatric allergy disorders, including asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema, continue to pose substantial health challenges. Understanding the social determinants of health (SDoH) linked with these conditions is a critical area of research due to their multifactorial nature. This study aimed to assess the SDoH influencing pediatric allergy disorders in central Florida, specifically examining four groups of children: with asthma only, with eczema only, with both asthma and eczema, and a control group without these conditions.

Methods: An electronic survey was distributed to parents of children diagnosed as having asthma, eczema, or both, who received evaluations at Nemours Children’s Health in Orlando, Florida. The patients were categorized into four groups: asthma only, eczema only, co-occurring asthma and eczema, and a control group. A subgroup consisted of patients with asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Results: The survey revealed a significant prevalence of SDoH disparities, with 61.2% of respondents reporting at least one factor. A notable distinction emerged in parental employment status (P < 0.001). In the group of patients with allergic rhinitis, housing instability was an important factor.

Conclusions: Investigating the central Florida pediatric population provided crucial insights into the social determinants affecting pediatric allergy disorders. The study highlighted significant health disparities, particularly in parental employment status and housing instability, underscoring the critical role of social factors in these conditions. These findings emphasize the need for targeted interventions addressing social determinants to improve health outcomes for children with allergy disorders.
Posted in: Allergy and Immunology8 Asthma3

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