
Divinum est Opus Sedare Dolorem: Pretending the Divine in Postoperative Pain Management

Authors: Oya Yalcin Cok, MD


The article by Bameshki1 in this issue of the Southern Medical Journal presents a prospective, randomized study comparing the postoperative analgesic effect of preemptive administration of intrathecal and intravenous sufentanil before transhiatal esophagectomy. The opioid requirement during and after the operation and the visual analog scale for pain and hemodynamic parameters were assessed. In the conclusion, the authors suggested that pre-emptive intrathecal administration of sufentanil was more advantageous in the management of early postoperative pain but didn't provide long-lasting pain relief.

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1.Bameshki AR, Zanjankhah, M-R, Gilani MT, et al. Intrathecal sufentanil for intraoperative and postesophagectomy pain relief. South Med J 2010;103:197–201.
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