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Right Hepatic Lobectomy for Trauma in an Infant





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Original Article

The Three Stages of an Obstetrician

Original Article

Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis Following Low Back Fusions

The authors believe these two types of lesions must be considered as a cause of pain in patients who have previously had a spinal fusion operation.

Original Article

The Treatment of Bayonet Fractures of the Distal End of Radius in Children

The authors emphasize that if nature is allowed to take its course, this type of fracture will eventually offer a very satisfactory result. They believe, however, with manipulation as described by them the excellent result can be attained much earlier and thereby allay the fears of parents who become impatient…

Original Article

Female Genital Surgery and Mental Illness

It has long been recognized that the incidence of past surgical intervention has been higher in certain groups of psychotic patients than in others. The author confirms this by comparing the incidence of operations upon the genital tract in hospitalized psychotic patients with the incidence of such operations in a…

Original Article

Medical Grand Rounds from the University of Alabama Medical Center

Original Article

Maturation of Southern Dermatology

Original Article

All is Not Asthma That Wheezes

The diagnosis of asthma is made too readily by some physicians without thought to the history, especially as related to onset, and physical examination. The author reviews a number of cases demonstrating these points and the aid the bronchogram may give in a definite diagnosis.

Original Article

A Psychiatric Study of Children with Diagnosis of Regional Ileitis

The authors have made the first psychiatric study of children having this disease. Their series of cases is small but it does not support speculation that this is a psychosomatic disease.

Original Article

The Isocitric Dehydrogenase Content of Normal Human Spinal Fluid

The authors used normal spinal fluid to study the content of this enzyme for comparison with serum levels. This enzyme is elevated in the blood in hepatic disease.

Original Article

Emotionally Disturbed Boys Failing in School: Treatment in an Outpatient Clinic School

In a special Clinic School, it has been shown that boys failing repeatedly in school do so because of emotional disturbances, often related to situations in the family. Group psychotherapy for parents and specialized teaching in a Clinic School—all of short term—have provided for a highly satisfactory performance subsequently by…

Original Article

Newer Concepts in Tympanoplasty

The author extends the description of his operative technic first described some five years ago.

Original Article

One Man with Three Masters

The author clearly points up serious defects in our present structure of medical education. They are a worry to many in the profession including thoughtful medical educators.

Original Article

Supracondylar Osteotomy of the Humerus For Correction of Rotational and Angular Deformities of the Elbow

The authors suggest this surgical approach for the correction of deformities resulting from supracondylar fractures of the humerus. Their results in a few cases are satisfactory.

Original Article

Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Electron Microscopic Approach to Histogenetic Classification

The histopathologic classification of neoplasms of mesenchymal origin is often difficult. In the application of the technic of electron miscroscopy the authors have shown that frequently the malignant cells retain the characteristics of the normal cells from which they have been derived. This is a step forward in the study…

Original Article

Cardiac Arrest in Ophthalmology Its Diagnosis and Management

The authors' review of the diagnosis and management of cardiac arrest is appropriate for everyone working in the operating room as well as for other doctors.

Original Article

Postural Hypertension and Edema Caused by Excessive Mobility of the Kidneys

This is an interesting and instructive case report which casts some light on renal hypertension.

Original Article

Fundamentals of Sound Practice in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Anorectal Disease

The author has reviewed the diagnosis and pathogenesis of the more common anorectal diseases. He urges conservatism in most instances until surgical intervention becomes the treatment of choice.

Original Article

Communication with the Fatally Ill

This may be helpful reading for the physician who has doubts of what to tell the patient with a fatal illness, and how and when to tell it. There is described much of the Art of medicine.

Original Article

Below-Knee Amputation for Gangrene

Concepts are changing with respect to the variability of arteriosclerotic vascular disease. It is being recognized increasingly that gangrene of a toe does not necessarily mean amputation at a high level. Thus, there is developing a much wider latitude within which amputations may be done.

Original Article

Restoration of Hearing with Teflon as a Replacement for the Stapes

The author believes that the use of this type of prosthesis offers the best operation for the replacement of the stapes as of today.

Original Article

A Method of Presenting Concepts of Chronic Disease and Rehabilitation in a Medical School Curriculum

If this paper were but read by deans, certain departmental heads, and members of committees of curriculum, and taken under serious consideration, there would be an appreciation of what needs to be done in a much neglected area of undergraduate education.


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