Case Report

Neurolept-Analgesia, Its Basic Principles and Clinical Application

Case Report

Medical Grand Rounds from the University of Alabama Medical Center

Case Report

Neuroleptanalgesia and Anesthesia Its Usefulness in Poor-Risk Surgical Cases

This paper and the ones to follow call attention to a relatively new concept of protecting the patient against surgical pain. In contrast to the usual effects of anesthetics upon the cerebral cortex to abolish pain, this concept uses drugs which selectively block cellular, autonomic and endocrine mechanisms which are…

Case Report

Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis – An Allergic Disease?

The authors establish grounds for considering an allergic reaction to milk in the pathogenesis of this disease of unknown etiology. Confirmation of this concept should establish the disease as a definite allergic entity.

Case Report

Changes in the Cornea and Lens in Patients on Long-Term Chlorpromazine Therapy

In recent years several observers have reported a reddish slate color of the skin and varying types of pigment deposit in the lens and cornea of persons on long-term treatment with chlorpromazine. The authors describe in detail the several changes which may be found in the eye.

Case Report

Ocular Complications from Chloroquine in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Attention is directed to possible visual disturbances which may accompany the use of this drug. There may be corneal edema and at times changes in the retina. Periodic ophthalmologic examination is recommended for those on this medication.

Case Report

Localized Mesothelioma of the Pleura

Case Report

An Ode to the Prostatic Surgeon

Case Report

Neuroleptanalgesia: Pharmacology and Clinical Experiences with Droperidol and Fentanyl

Case Report

A Few Shots of Early Times in New Orleans Medicine

Occasionally it is justifiable to rob a few pages from medical science to entertain with lighter reading. The practice of medicine makes history, so why not pause upon occasion to look over onés shoulder at what has gone before.

Case Report

Cleft Lip Repair

The author describes the technic which he uses in caring for the harelip and includes illustrations to show the results.

Case Report

Experiences in the Management of Duodenal Wounds

The authors review the more common causes of such wounds and their management. The complications from these accidents determine in large part the ultimate outcome.

Case Report

Massive Hemorrhage in Amyloidosis Secondary to Regional Enteritis

Case Report

Tetanus after Prophylactic Use of Antitoxin

Case Report

Laboratory Aids in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Disease

A number of new methods have been developed in recent years for evaluation of thyroid function. The use of several of these has not been firmly established as yet. Periodically it is essential that tests of function should be reviewed to be certain that the best tests are selected for…

Case Report

Conservation of Silver: Its Importance to the Future of Medicine

Case Report

Fractures of the Os Calcis: A Review of 107 Fractures in 95 Patients

Though many fractures of the os calcis heal under very conservative management, this may not be true of the more severe types. The author has categorized the several types of fracture of this bone and has considered the prognosis as well as treatment.

Case Report

Referring a Patient to a Psychiatrist

This paper should be “must” reading for every doctor who may have occasion to refer a patient to a psychiatrist. The success of psychotherapy may in large part rest upon the referring physician and the circumstances surrounding the referral.

Case Report

Shoulder-Hand Syndrome Its Recognition and Management

The shoulder-hand syndrome may offer puzzling features at times, but the correct diagnosis is essential. Recognition and treatment are essential to avoid possible permanent disability.


“Diseases of Medical Progress”



Original Article

Occlusive Disease of Femoral and Popliteal Arteries: Surgical Treatment

Increasingly, operations for the restoration of, or for increasing blood flow to the lower limbs are reducing the need for amputation. Arteriograms are essential to the selection of patients for such treatment and the technic to be used.

Original Article

Aneurysms of the Anterior Communicating Artery

The authors consider anomalies of the circle of Willis and their influence in the clinical picture of aneurysms of the circle. Angiography can identify an anomaly preoperatively which may be of importance in planning the surgical attack.

Original Article

The Feasibility of a Hemodialysis Unit in a Community Hospital

The authors have presented a discussion which emphasizes that hemodialysis has “grown up” to become part of the therapeutic armamentarium of the community hospital.

Original Article

An Interesting Reaction in Leprosy

The authors have emphasized a probable causal relationship between the cryoproteins present in some forms of active leprosy and the ulcerative lesions which may develop in some patients.

Original Article

Pituitary Apoplexy: Review of the Literature and Two Case Reports

Southern Medical News


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