
Hemilaryngectomy: Indications and a Standardized Technic

The author describes the indications and his operation for the management of carcinoma of the larynx, with plastic reconstruction.

Case Report

Sarcoma of the Stomach A Review of 39 Cases

The authors review a university center experience with sarcoma of the stomach and demonstrate an improved survival rate when gastric resection combined with radiation theraav is utilized.

Case Report

Microscopic Laryngoscopy

Case Report

A Multidisciplinary Computerized Approach to the Study of Adjustment to Lower Limb Amputation

The multidisciplinary approach described will be helpful in predicting the probable outcome—success or failure—of the wearing of a prosthesis. Predictability and prognosis are essential to the rehabilitative program for a given patient.

Case Report

Myocardial Infarction and Cardiac Rupture Analysis of 37 Cases and a Brief Review of the Literature

This review of cases indicates that this complication of infarction occurs early in the disease. The electrocardiogram is stable preceding death. The author considers the pathogenesis of myocardial rupture.

Case Report

Incarcerated Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia After Transabdominal Vagotomy Report of a Case Simulating Stomal Dysfunction

Case Report

Nasopharyngeal Teratoma

Case Report

Application of Computers to Diagnostic Medicine

For those who recognize the role the computer will play in the practice of medicine in the not too distant future, this introduction to the basic principles may be of interest. Too, it is an introduction to the applicability of computer data as will be outlined in the September number…

Case Report

Surgical Correction of Ectropion of the Anal Canal

The authors describe their plastic reconstruction of the anal canal to cure the nuisance of the symptoms that attend an improperly done hemorrhoidectomy.

Case Report

Surgical Management of Postoperative Incontinence A Preliminary Report

Case Report

A Long-term Follow-up on Coxa Plana at the Alfred I. DuPont Institute

The authors review results, which compare favorably with others reported, of the conservative treatment of coxa plans by use of an abduction brace.

Case Report

Human Placental Lactogen (HPL): The Review of a Protein Hormone Important to Obstetrics and Gynecology

The production of a hormone by the placenta is of interest. It may prove to be an index of fetal health and seems to have diagnostic implications in the presence of trophoblastic tumors.

Case Report

Pacemaker Treatment for Inadequate Cardiac Output in the Presence of a Slow Nodal Rhythm

Although the pacemaker has been used not infrequently in complete heart block to treat inadequate cardiac output, it has been used rarely, as in this case, for a similar reason, the result of slow nodal rhythm.

Case Report


Primary carcinoma of the vagina is a relatively rare lesion. From the series of cases reported here, it appears that this cancer, if treated properly, has a better prognosis than had been suspected. Improvement in technics of irradiation should better even more the salvage rates for the future.

Case Report

An Acardiac Amorphous Twin Presenting Soft Tissue Dystocia

Case Report

The Hyperfunctioning Thyroid Nodule

The discussion of this case report brings up-to-date the diagnosis, prognosis and management of this relatively uncommon disease.

Case Report

Lymphedema in Face Scars



Southern Medical News



Experiences with Arion’s Simaplast Inflatable Prosthesis

The author describes the use of an inflatable device for mammoplasty. The prosthesis is inserted under block anesthesia and then is inflated with dextran. Tissues apparently tolerate the foreign material well.


Jejunal Dyskinesia: Case Report and Review of the Literature


Cutaneous Manifestations of Hyperthyroidism

The authors consider the various signposts which may appear on the skin and may point to a diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis.


Patterns of Maternal Urinary Estriol Excretion in Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths


Synovectomy of the Knee in Rheumatoid Arthritis

This operation is to be considered as part of the overall rehabilitative treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and not as a salvage type of operation. It relieves pain, increases the range of motion and stability of the joint.


Rupture of the Gluteal Artery Due to Blunt Trauma


Medical Grand Rounds from the University of Alabama Medical Center


Urinary Estriol in the Management of Complicated Pregnancies


Placental Function Tests: A Review of Tests Showing Promise but not yet Established

The fetal-placental-maternal axis has come under scrutiny in recent years. The placenta, as an essential organ of transfer from mother to fetus, “elaborates, modifies, transfers, and stores many hormones, enzymes, immunoproteins, and other simpler substances” (Fort). Obviously, then, the placenta may have an important role insofar as the health of…


Partial Puborectalis Resection: A New Surgical Technic for Anorectal Dysfunction

The authors suggest that hypertrophy and/or spasm of the puborectalis muscle is a not uncommon cause of lower bowel dysfunction. They suggest resection of segments of the muscle, and show a high rate of recovery of normal function.


Recurrences of Carcinoma of the Cervix after Ten Years

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