


Present‐Day Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction An outline of Policy and Practice in the Myocardial Infarction Research Unit at the University of Alabama in Birmingham

This is an excellent resume of the management of acute myocardial infarction as of today. To be sure, it represents management by an experienced group of clinicians in an ideal setting; however, for those who may need to work in a less ideal environment, there is much in the basic…


The Surgical Treatment of Vertigo

The author considers the management of the patient troubled by vertigo and who does not respond to medical therapy. He describes surgical methods for treating such patients and the indications for the selection of one of several procedures depending upon the circumstances.


Septicemia and Gastroenteritis Due to Vibrio fetus

Vibrio fetusa common cause of abortion in cattle, has been identified only rarely as a cause of infection in humans. This report describes the findings in a young man with infection due to V fetus and reviews other aspects of infections with this organism.


The Temporal Island Flap for Replacement of Oral and Pharyngeal Mucosa

The author describes a one-stage procedure for resection of cancer within the oral cavity and the transfer of a flap of temporal skin as a replacement for the defect. This is equally as efficacious for malignancies in the pharynx.


Gastritis as a Complication of Varicella


Dermatrophy from Long‐Term Occlusive Topical Corticosteroid Therapy

AbstractTwo patients had severe atrophy of the skin secondary to long-term occlusive topical corticosteroid therapy. Marked reduction in the thickness of the colum with a relatively increased amount of elastic tissue was demonstrated histologically. The probable pathogenetic mechanism is discussed.


Home Dialysis Training in a Private Hospital

The authors describe the successful training of patients of a community hospital in carrying out home dialysis for chronic renal failure.


Apnea and Atypical Pseudocholinesterase

Abstract: A 21 year old man demonstrated neuromuscular paralysis for more than 5 hours following the administration of approximately 150 mg of succinylcholine for an elective tonsillectomy under general anesthesia. Cholinesterase units, dibucaine and fluoride numbers of the patient, his sister and his mother established that the inheritance of the…


Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Associated with Hyperthyroidism

Abstract: A 16 year old female patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura associated with hyperthyroidism is presented. From the absence of a simultaneous effect of prednisolone therapy on both of these disorders, it is suggested that these diseases occurred under etiologically independent mechanisms.

Case Report

Removal of Cholangiogram Catheter from the Vena Cava and Right Heart Using Endoscopic Forceps

Case Report

Carcinoma of the Pancreas

Carcinoma of the pancreas continues to offer a gloomy prognosis. The authors' review substantiates post experiences in this regard. All such surveys point up the need for better means of earlier diagnosis.

Case Report

Hypertonic Saline‐Induced Abortion Complicated by Consumptive Coagulopathy A Case Report

Abstract:This is a case report of a midtrimester therapeutic abortion completed by intra-ovular bypertonic saline injection that was complicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and acute renal failure. Because of the severe consequences that can occur with this procedure, we consider it mandatory that each patient on whom intra-amniotic saline…

Case Report

Glomus Jugulare Tumors Review and Report of Two Cases

The authors describe two instances of these nonchromaffin paragangliomas. The symptoms may be many and quite widespread because of pressure at strategic points. These tumors are of variable degrees of malignancy. Management is outlined as related to indications.

Case Report

Isolated Subluxation of the Carpal Scaphoid Associated with Secondary Displacement of the Capitate

Abstract:Abnormal subluxation of the carpal scaphoid may be due to minor trauma causing rupture of the scaphoid lunate ligament or major trauma causing perilunar dislocation with residual carpal scaphoid hypermobility that allows the capitate to spread the scaphoid and lunate. The condition is frequently missed by the physician treating the…

Case Report

Ichthyosis Vulgaris Associated with Gilbert's Syndrome

The authors describe the first instance of the coincidence of two abnormalities, one of which is clearly genetic and the other possibly so. Since many instances of Gilbert's syndrome probably are overlooked, they suggest search for other examples in persons diagnosed as having ichthyosis vulgaris.

Case Report

The Clinical Laboratory in the Investigation of Patients with Head Injury

The authors review what is known of the biochemical and metabolic changes which may accompany head injury. The use of these changes for their correction by management of the patient relies heavily on frequent determination in the biochemical laboratory.

Case Report

Inhalation Therapy in Modern Medicine

Abstract:The management of respiratory failure is a demanding art which requires knowledge of cardiopulmonary physiology and sophistication in the use of specialized mechanical equipment. In the care of patients with acute respiratory failure careful attention to minute details is a critical factor in reducing morbidity and mortality. Valuable assistance can…

Case Report

The Use of Minor Tranquilizers in a Teaching Hospital

This study reveals a significant indictment of what is widespread practice—the misuse of the minor tranquilizers. On the basis of otherwise highly satisfactory records, it is obvious that the use of tranquilizers was without rhyme or reason. Without doubt this represents common practice—a pill because a patient wishes a pill—without…

Case Report

Brain Abscesses A Ten‐Year Review

Abstract:The pathogenesis of brain abscess infection at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals is reviewed for the 10-year period 1961–1970 and the results of this survey are compared with others recently published.

Review Article

A Rationale for Surgery of Peptic Ulcer

Abstract:It is suggested that chronic peptic ulcer is a result of two major factors: (1) trauma, in particular from a high acid-peptidase secretion; and (2) the nutritional state of the mucosal epithelium, which in turn is related to its capillary flow. The importance of the latter factor has too often…

Current Concepts

Current Concepts in Therapy Vernal Conjunctivitis—A Simple Treatment

Case Report

Lymphocutaneous Nocardia brasiliensis Infection Mimicking Sporotrichosis

The case report records the eighth instance of infection with this fungus which clinically simulated the characteristics of infection by Sporothrix.

Case Report

Polyarteritis Nodosa and Pregnancy Report of a Successful Outcome

Case Report


Case Report


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