Original Article

Self-Reported Arthritis Burden and Management in South Carolina

Objective: Arthritis has garnered national attention as the leading cause of disability, yet it is important to survey the burden and management of this disabling condition at the state and local levels. This study explored the self-reported burden and management of arthritis in South Carolina using state-based data relative to…

Invited Commentary

Commentary on “Predictors of Failed Primary Abdominal Closure in the Trauma Patient with an Open Abdomen”

Damage-control laparotomy is the mainstay of therapy for the management of abdominal trauma in physiologically ill patients. The goals of damage-control laparotomy include hemostasis and control of contamination, with some form of temporary abdominal closure (TAC) needed upon completion of the abbreviated laparotomy. Ideally, TAC should be atraumatic, be rapidly…

Invited Commentary

Commentary on “Risk Stratification for the Development of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis by Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Classification”

Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) is a collection of disparate pain syndromes caused by functional, structural, or combined abnormality of the sphincter of Oddi. The clinical manifestations of SOD range from recurrent acute pancreatitis and abnormal liver function tests to isolated abdominal pain. Although there is considerable disagreement regarding the…

Original Article

High Frequencies of Negative Pretreatment Results Following Presumptive Antibiotic Treatment for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the frequencies of negative test results among all patients aged 18 years and older receiving presumptive antibiotic treatment for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea at the Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic of the Palm Beach County Health Department. The treatment algorithms were based on…


Physician Burnout: A Serious Concern for the Medical Profession

In this issue of the Southern Medical Journal, Dr George Ford’s editorial is a compelling consideration of the very real potential for physician burnout in this challenging time of healthcare delivery.1 Indeed, Dr Ford indicates that physician burnout may not be severe enough to cause a physician to leave the…

Original Article

Anemia in General Medical Inpatients Prolongs Length of Stay and Increases 30-Day Unplanned Readmission Rate

Objectives: Anemia, either chronic or newly developed in the hospital as a result of underlying disease and/or phlebotomy, is seen commonly among general medical inpatients, and its impact on the quality and efficiency of care is unknown. Methods: This study investigated the relation among hemoglobin level, length of stay, and…

Original Article

Predictors of Failed Primary Abdominal Closure in the Trauma Patient with an Open Abdomen

Background: We sought to characterize risk factors for failed closure after damage-control laparotomy and to examine the impact of two broad categories of open abdomen–management technique on rates of fascial approximation. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed (January 2006–December 2008) all trauma patients with an open abdomen after damage-control laparotomy. Patients with…

Original Article

Risk Stratification for the Development of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis by Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction Classification

Objectives: To explore whether there is a difference in the frequency of postendoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis in patients with manometrically confirmed sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (SOD) types I, II, and III. Methods: A retrospective review of all of the patients who underwent an ERCP with SOD type I or…

Letter to the Editor

An Appeal for Humanity

To the Editor I am a fourth-year medical student who accompanied my father to the Turkey-Syria border to provide help to Syrian refugees of the civil war in that country. After escaping brutal violence at the hands of their own government, the refugees faced scarce basic necessities and virtually nonexistent…

Editor's Response

Editor’s Response

From the EditorIn his Letter to the Editor, Amir Al-Dabagh, soon to become a physician and join our noble profession, has brought to our attention not only the plight of refugees who experience lack of medical care but also by contrast the wonderful medical care that exists here in the…

Letter to the Editor

Parkinson Disease: Research Update and Clinical Management

To the Editor I read with interest the article on Parkinson disease by Fritsch et al in the December 2012 issue.1 The majority of patients with Parkinson disease (PD) are cared for in the community by caregivers or family members. Community-based caregivers should be included in the care plan because…


Physician Burnout “The Call” Derailed?

It always begins with “the call.” That inchoate tug upon the soul that says, “Follow me.” Almost as if in love, one is led by the heart in pursuit of that which one cannot quite articulate. Thus embarks the student as he or she answers the call to a career…

Original Article

Smoking and Respiratory Conditions in Pregnancy: Associations with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Objectives: Acute and chronic respiratory conditions affect a large segment of pregnant women. The purpose of the current study was to examine the concomitant effects of respiratory conditions and smoking during pregnancy on gestational age, birth weight, fetal distress, infant mortality, premature rupture of membranes, placenta abruption, and mode of…

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