Original Article

CME Article: Survey of COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes in Predominately Minority Pregnant Women

Objectives: Despite recommendations for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccination during pregnancy, some pregnant women are concerned about COVID-19 vaccines and decline to be vaccinated. This study focuses on attitudes in a sample of mostly minority pregnant Hispanic and Black women that may influence vaccine hesitancy. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey…

Posted in: Infectious Disease131 Pregnancy31


Know Your Guidelines Series: Key Recommendations for the Hospitalist from the 2022 AAP Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Hyperbilirubinemia

Jaundice, a clinical condition that results from elevated levels of bilirubin, manifests as yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. Jaundice occurs in >80% of newborns and is most often physiologic.1 In cases of severe hyperbilirubinemia, newborns are at risk of kernicterus, a devastating and permanent neurological condition that…

Original Article

Real Time, Remote, and Recorded: Medical Student Experiences with Smart Glasses in Obstetrical Simulation

Objectives: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic generated the need for a teaching tool for enhancing remote education and evaluation of medical trainees. Smart glasses are being explored as a hands-free teaching tool for teleconferencing with hands-on demonstrations in addition to livestreaming capability. We wanted to understand the efficacy of such…

Posted in: Obstetrics and Gynecology43

Original Article

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Medical Education during Inpatient Internal Medicine Rounds

Objectives: Inpatient rounding is a foundational component of medical education in academic hospitals. The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic disrupted traditional inpatient rounding practices. The objectives of this study were to describe how Internal Medicine inpatient team rounding changed because of COVID-19-related precautions and the effect of these changes on education…

Posted in: Infectious Disease131


Balancing Clinical Ownership with Optimization of the Learning Environment for Resident Physicians

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education states in its Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Internal Medicine that residents must be provided with protected time to participate in core didactic activities, while acknowledging that sometimes there may be circumstances in which this is not possible.1 Although resident physicians…

Letter to the Editor

Outlining the Need for Grading Uniformity among Preclinical Coursework for Medical School Curriculums

To the Editor: Recent trends in US preclinical medical education have shifted grading to a Pass/Fail (P/F) model. Although most schools use P/F preclinical grading, some schools still implement tiered grading systems such as the traditional A to F grading scale or a three-tiered system known as Honors/Pass/Fail (H/P/F). As…

Editor's Response

Grading of Physicians during Training and Thereafter

This response is intended to expand upon the Letter to the Editor by Bohler1 regarding the grading of physicians during the training and posttraining portions of their careers. Grading people and processes is commonplace in medicine. Most medical students receive considerable exposure to grades during their premedical school years. Some…

Original Article

Predictors of Underlying Esophageal Motility Disorders in Patients Presenting with Esophageal Candidiasis

Objectives: Esophageal motility disorders (EMDs) are a known risk factor for esophageal candidiasis (EC), but this relation has not been described particularly well. We sought to evaluate the predictors of underlying EMDs in patients presenting with EC. Methods: Cases of EC at a single medical center between 2010 and 2021…

Original Article

Predictors of Skin, Hair, and Nail Supplement Use: Analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Cross-Sectional Data

Objectives: Approximately half of US adults use dietary supplements, often for dermatologic purposes. When survey respondents in a nationally representative population were asked the reasons for their use of a specific supplement, 87% chose “for healthy skin, hair, and nails.” Despite widespread use, supplements have potential risks and lack regulatory…

Original Article

Sensitivity and Specificity of Diagnostic Algorithms of Preoperative Anemia

Objectives: Preoperative management of anemia is one of the pillars of patient blood management. Diagnostic algorithms developed to support an anemia diagnosis have not yet been validated. The aim of this study was to validate and compare three commonly used diagnostic algorithms for preoperative anemia. Methods: We performed a prospective…

Review Article

Long COVID, Disability, and the Workplace

The long-term societal impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) includes not only those who have died from COVID-19 but also those who have survived with prolonged residual symptoms. “Long COVID” symptoms such as fatigue may impair an individual’s ability to work, but gaps in disability law may leave such workers…

Posted in: Infectious Disease131

Original Article

Comparative Analysis of Costs of Caring for Inpatient COVID-19 Patients and Non-COVID-19 Patients at One Academic Center

Objectives: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created a significant financial burden on the US healthcare system. The purpose of this study was to compare the costs of caring for patients admitted with COVID-related illness versus non-COVID patients. We hypothesized that the average daily costs of hospitalization would be…

Posted in: Infectious Disease131
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