SMJ Article | Original Article

Factors Affecting Quality of Life at Discharge among Patients with Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures

Objectives: This study aimed to identify factors, including physical functions and activities that affect quality of life (QOL) at discharge among patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Methods: Patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures were included in our prospective cohort study. Multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the predictors of QOL...

Posted in: Metabolic & Other Bone Disease (Osteoporosis)4

SMJ Article | Review Article

CME Article: Osteoporosis in Adult Patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Special Considerations for Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management

 As medical care progresses, patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities are living longer and beginning to experience diseases that commonly afflict the aging population, such as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis and resultant fractures increase disability and threaten the independence of this vulnerable population. In addition, the diagnosis, prevention, and management of osteoporosis...

Posted in: Metabolic & Other Bone Disease (Osteoporosis)4

SMJ Article | Perspectives

Osteoporosis Management Strategies in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to active infections and relatively high morbidity and mortality across the world, including the United States.1 The pandemic has challenged the US healthcare system, and rapid treatment adaptations have had to be made to stabilize public health and provide effective medical care.

Posted in: Infectious Disease131 Metabolic & Other Bone Disease (Osteoporosis)4

SMJ Article | Original Article

Weight-Bearing Physical Activity Influences the Effect of Vitamin D on Bone Turnover Markers in Patients with Intellectual Disability

Objectives: Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) are at increased risk for low bone mass and fragility fractures, and those who are nonambulatory may be at even higher risk. Patients with IDs often are vitamin D deficient, but there is little information concerning how vitamin D treatment of patients with IDs...

Posted in: Metabolic & Other Bone Disease (Osteoporosis)4
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