

Book Review

Adventures in Medical Education

Book Review

Fundamentals in Cardiology

Book Review

Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas. Part III of Volume 3. Digestive System, The Ciba Collection oF Medical Illustrations

Book Review

Medical Electrical Equipment, Principles, Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Used in Hospitals and Clinics

Book Review

Principles of Internal Medicine

Book Review

Epilepsy Handbook

Book Review

The Practical Use of the Microscope

Book Review

The Human Ear Canal

Book Review

Rypins' Medical Licensure Examinations

Book Review

Handbook of Treatment of Acute Poisoning

Book Review

The Dermatologist's Handbook

Book Review

The Preservation of Youth. Essays on Health

Case Report

Hydatidiform Mole: A Review of the Diagnosis, Management and Follow-up— and Choriocarcinoma





Original Article

Shoes as a Potential Hazard to Surgical and Obstetrical Patients

Bacteria resistant to antibiotics have posed problems to hospital administrators in recent years. A serious effort is being made to trace the sources of infection. The matter of the surgeons' shoes may be one to be considered as this study shows.

Original Article

Problems of Nutrition in Industrial Workers

For efficiency in industry, the employee must be assured of a satisfactory nutritional state. This is a matter for which the industrial physician has responsibility.

Original Article

Epidermoid Cysts of the Testicle

Admittedly it is safe policy to think in terms of orchiectomy when facing the management of a tumor of the testis. Rarely, as described in the cases reported herewith, clinical judgment may save an organ in a certain few instances of small tumors.

Original Article

Topical Steroids in Diseases of the Colon

The use of steroids in the form of a rectal instillation may offer a valuable adjunct in the treatment of acute exacerbations of ulcerative colitis.

Original Article

Some Considerations Concerning Chicken Bones in the Esophagus

The author discusses the reasons for an increasing incidence of chicken bones as a foreign body in the esophagus. Diagnosis and treatment present certain problems of which the surgeon must be aware.

Original Article

Constitutional Reaction to Penicillinase Used in the Treatment of a Penicillin Reaction

This discussion of penicillinase, its indications and contraindications and possible untoward reactions, is most interesting and enlightening.

Original Article

Management of an Outbreak of Staphylococcal Infection in a Nursery for the Newborn and the Results of an Intensive Control Program

The following two papers consider the problem of resistant staphylococcal infection in infants and young children. The strains of this organism which have become resistant to the common antibiotics are carried in the nasal passages especially of hospital personnel. In the nurseries for the newborn infections with such organisms may…

Original Article

Public Health Aspects of the Chronically Ill and Aging

The socio-economic and medical problems of the aged and the chronically ill touch upon business, governmental and professional areas of our national life and economy. The impetus of this phase of our Nation's welfare is gaining a momentum which will ultimately be brought to some conclusion. It cannot reach a…

Original Article

A Critical Review of the Evolution and Treatment of Medial Fractures of the Femoral Neck

The author describes his management of medial fractures of the femoral neck.

Original Article

Clinical Effects of Extreme Obesity on Cardiopulmonary Function

In the last several years more is being learned about the pathophysiology of obesity as related to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This will be shown to play a part in impairing the normal functions of the heart and lungs.

Original Article

Shotgun Wounds of the Hand and Wrist: With a Report of Four Cases

A functioning hand is the most essential attribute of the extremities. Thus the management of the mangling effects of a shotgun blast is of the highest order of importance.

Original Article

Considerations of Autonomic Blockade in General Anesthesia

The authors point out that the usual anesthesia merely eliminates painful stimuli and makes the operation easier. However, the authors indicate the role the autonomic mechanism plays in the development of shock. The authors maintain that blockade of the autonomic nervous system reduces morbidity through the reduction of noxious stimuli…

Original Article

Management of Common Problems in the Urinary Tract of Children

A number of anomalies may occur in the genitourinary tract. Their early diagnosis and proper management may prevent irreversible damage which may shorten life in later years.

Original Article

The Tongue

The anatomy and physiology of the tongue are reviewed very well. The consideration of the diseases of the tongue is broad with valuable discussion of differential diagnosis.

Original Article

Management of Large Benign Tumors of the Rectum

The authors present their thoughts on the local treatment especially of large sessile papillomas or adenomas.

Original Article

Prevention of the Radiation Hazard in Diagnostic Urology

Original Article

The Antibiotic Management of Staphylococcal Disease in Infants and Children

Original Article

On Psychic Factors Conditioning Effects of Drugs in Psychiatry

That there are psychiatric factors in the apparent effects attributed to drugs per se have been shown in a convincing manner.

Original Article

Therapeutic Approach to the “Problem Patient” with Urinary Calculi

The search still continues for a practical means of preventing the continued formation of urinary calculi. This paper considers in detail what is known about the problem, what is unknown, and the application of present knowledge in an attempt to decrease or abolish this process.

Original Article

The Prognosis in Acute Myocardial Infarction

Every clinician knows the many fallacies which beset an attempt at prognosis in serious disease. This is surely true in the case of myocardial infarction. The author believes certain electrocardiographic changes may be of aid in judging the outcome.

Original Article

The Proctologist Must Teach

Southern Medical News


25 Years Ago


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