Book Review

Cardiovascular Sound in Health and Disease

Book Review

Pediatric Neurosurgery

Case Report

Otitis External: Treatment with a New Topical Preparation

Though the combination of drugs in general is poor pharmacy for excellent scientific reasons, this objection is not as valid in “shotgun” remedies used for topical application. The mixture described here seems to provide satisfactory results.

Case Report

Clinical Laboratory and Electroencephalographic Correlations in Hyperthyroidism

For sometime it has been known that thyrotoxic patients may show abnormal electroencephalographic tracings. The authors are studying this fact with the hope of learning the causes for this abnormality.

Case Report

Intermittent Insufficiency of the Basilar and Internal Carotid Arterial Systems: The Syndromes and Their Management

The understanding of intermittent arterial insufficiency to the central nervous system is progressing rapidly. Syndromes are being recognized providing anatomic localizations of obstructions. Vascular surgery and anticoagulants are providing, for the first time, effective tools for use in selected cases.

Case Report

Surgery in Asthmatic Patients

The asthmatic patient often poses a problem of management as he needs to be prepared for major surgery or when emergency surgery is imperative. Experience has shown that the patient can be carried through the operation with proper attention to anesthesia as well as planning postoperative care.

Case Report

Carcinoid Tumors

None of the cases reported in this paper showed the interesting symptoms and signs of secretion of appreciable amounts of serotonin. These effects of flushing, cyanosis and pulmonic stenosis may be dramatic. They usually are associated with metastases to the liver.

Case Report

Visceral Larva Migrans

This is a syndrome probably unfamiliar to many physicians. Chronic eosinophilia in childhood should raise this condition as a possibility in diagnosis. So-called tumors of the retina accompanied by eosinophilia probably represented a larval granuloma, and recognition of its true nature may avoid the loss of an eye. The visceral…

Case Report

Duodenocolic Fistula: Report of Case

Case Report

The Use of Promazine and Levallorphan to Improve Obstetric Sedation

The authors have used a “tranquilizer” with a narcotic antagonist in an effort to get amnesia and relaxation during labor with no ill effects to either child or mother.

Case Report

Surgery of the Inferior Oblique Muscle Following Complications of Operation on the Lateral Rectus Muscle

Case Report

The Hepatic Uptake of Radioactive Iodipamide for Evaluating Liver Function

The versatility of radioactive substances in medicine continues to amaze the average reader. Here we learn of a new application of radioactive chemicals in the evaluation of hepatic function. There seems to be no end to the exploration of physiologic and pathologic processes by the use of this new tool.

Case Report

Geographic Incidence of Paget’s Disease of Bone

The author finds a rather marked difference, if it is real, in the incidence of Paget’s disease of bone in different portions of the country. He raises the question of some etiologic factor as related to geography.

Case Report

Medical Management of the Normal, But “Unwell” Patient

The medical history provides the only real means of learning to know the patient, become aware of his complaints and worries, and to establish rapport. This cannot be done by the laboratory and its reports. It takes time, but one may ask what worthwhile objective is attained without the expenditure…

Case Report

Modern Management of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidectomy is an operation feared by many patients because almost anyone has had friends or relatives who have had a most uncomfortable postoperative course after such a procedure. The author has analyzed the causes for postoperative pain and believes he has solved this common complaint.

Case Report

Soft Tissue Lesions of the Oral Cavity

The major lesion to be feared among those of the oral cavity is leukoplakia. The author outlines the differential diagnosis. A helpful fact in the diagnosis of all oral lesions is the disappearance of 85 per cent of them in about two weeks.

Case Report

The Role of the Alveolar Lining Cells in Reaction to Lung Injury

In recent years pathologists have called attention to changes in the alveolar cell, especially with the changing picture of the pneumonias, which might end as alveolar cell carcinoma. The author has considered the embryologic aspects of the alveolar cell, and believes its role in the pathologic picture is secondary to…








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Original Article

Major Psychiatric Disorders Masquerading as Alcoholism

There has always been debate on the topic of whether alcoholism represents a state of disease or not. The authors show the relationship of alcoholism to the psychotic patient. The recognition of this is essential in treatment and prognosis.

Original Article

The Inhibition of Breast Engorgement with Endocrine Substances and Its Possible Role in the Prevention of Puerperal Breast Abscess

By fortuitous coincidence an epidemic of breast abscess occurred during a study of the effect of hormones of several types upon the postpueral engorgement of breasts. Highly suggestive evidence appeared which would indicate that engorgement of the breasts makes the gland vulnerable to infection, and that hormonal suppression of engorgement…

Original Article

Indications and Technics for Early Stabilization of the Neck in Some Fracture Dislocations of the Cervical Spine

The authors have considered principles and technics in managing these lesions. Illustrative case reports point out the details and the prognosis.

Original Article

Diverticulitis of the Colon

The authors consider the complications of diverticulitis and what might be done surgically from a preventive standpoint.

Original Article

Leiomyoma and Leiomyosarcoma of the Stomach

The authors have reviewed a group of these tumors with an analysis of symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis. The possibility of malignant changes in a benign tumor is brought out.

Original Article

Some Uses of Hypnosis in Urology

Hypnosis fell into disrepute as a parlor or stage trick. It was later used by psychiatrists with good results under some circumstances. More recently hypnosis has been used in the treatment of organic diseases as for analgesia, for example. Its use in young children as described here is of interest.

Original Article

Recent Advances in the Treatment of Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease

The management of “essential” hypertension by drugs continues with a constant flow of new drugs or variations of those produced first several years ago. What the ultimate effects of this treatment will be no one can guess, and another ten or fifteen years will be needed to demonstrate a clue…

Original Article

Thallium Poisoning – A Report of Six Cases

Attention and publicity are being given to the prevention of accidents, especially among children. Among the poisons available to children is thallium used in pesticides especially for roaches. The author reviews the clinical manifestations of which every family physician should be aware.

Original Article

Carcinoma of the Endometrium

The outlook in carcinoma of the uterine body is not good except with early diagnosis. Postmenopausal bleeding should put the doctor on the alert for serious trouble.

Original Article

Perineal Prostatectomy for Conservative Enucleation

The author gives a detailed account of his method of doing this operation.

Southern Medical News

Southern Medical News

25 Years Ago

Influence of Dietetic and Other Factors on Swelling of Tissues in Arthritis

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