





Primary Article

Cryosurgery for Benign and Malignant Skin Lesions Treatment With a New Instrument

ABSTRACT:The Foster “Froster” unit is a new and simplified liquid nitrogen system for use in dermatologic cryosurgery. The details of its operation are described and its use in various benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions is discussed. In malignant lesions, not only type, but frequently location, is important when deciding whether…

Primary Article

Changes in the Clinical Picture of Schizophrenia

ABSTRACT:Records of all patients admitted to inpatient facilities of a state department of mental health from 1948 to 1952 and from 1965 to 1969 and diagnosed schizophrenic were reviewed to determine diagnostic trends, if any. The percentage of diagnoses of the catatonic subtype showed a general decline, the hebephrenic subtype…

Primary Article

Unusual Masses in the Spermatic Cord Report of Six Cases and Review of the Literature

ABSTRACT:Differential diagnosis of spermatic cord swellings includes indirect inguinal hernia, hydrocele, spermatocele, hematocele, lipoma, tuberculosis, and filariasis. This communication focuses attention on other unusual swellings of the spermatic cord. Three cases of sarcoma, two cases of foreign body in the spermatic cord, and one case of vasitis are presented. Although…

Primary Article

Management of Facial Lacerations

ABSTRACT:The prevention of unsightly scars and functional loss after facial lacerations is accomplished by early, meticulous repair in layers without tension on the suture line. The interrupted subcuticular suture applied with a small full-curved cutting needle and with the aid of a skin hook is recommended to reach the goal…

Primary Article

Negative Blood Cultures in Infective Endocarditis A Review

Primary Article

Diagnostic Value of a Chemistry Test Profile

ABSTRACT:Serum chemistry test results were correlated with discharge diagnoses of 4,295 persons admitted to an acute care general hospital in a seven-month period. The diagnostic value of the test results, separately and in combinations of up to 12 tests, were calculated at each of ten levels as measured from the…

Primary Article

Infections of the Urinary Tract During Pregnancy Use of Fluorescent Antibody Technic as an Aid in Patient Evaluation

ABSTRACT:Over a 22-month period, the fluorescent antibody (FA) technic was used to evaluate 195 patients with urinary tract infections (UTI) during pregnancy. Postpartum intravenous pyelograms (IVP) were obtained for 86 patients. The results were correlated as to the site (upper or lower urinary tract) of infection. Regardless of the result…

Primary Article

Polytomography in an Otologic Practice

ABSTRACT:The polytome should be used as an adjunct to conventional roentgenograms of the temporal bone and not as a substitute. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the polytome has been used to great advantage in a private otologic practice.

Case Report

Cardiac Arrest After Edrophonium Therapy of Supraventricular Tachycardia

Primary Article

Basilic Vein to Brachial Artery Fistula A New Access for Chronic Hemodialysis

ABSTRACT:A new vascular access for chronic hemodialysis is developed by creating a fistula in the upper arm between the end of the relocated basilic vein and anterior aspect of the brachial artery. The procedure has been used 24 times in 23 patients over the past 15 months (average eight months)…

Primary Article

Isolated Galactorrhea With Normal Serum Prolactin Levels Clinical Implications

ABSTRACT:Detailed endocrine-metabolic studies were performed on five women who were otherwise well but who had had inappropriate breast secretions for variable periods of time (three months to 16 years). Our results suggest that the presence of a lactose-containing breast secretion, which strictly defines galactorrhea, does not necessarily indicate a recognizable…

Primary Article

Longevity in the Thirteen Original States

Primary Article

Etiologic Factors in Lead Nephropathy

ABSTRACT:The rare occurrence of lead nephropathy in widely differing circumstances has suggested that additional causative factors might be required for its production. Seventeen cases of interstitial nephritis associated with severe chronic lead poisoning were reviewed in an attempt to identify these. Data suggested that alcoholism and preexistent hypertension, and also…

Primary Article

Surgical Treatment of Reflux in Completely Duplicated Ureters

ABSTRACT:Vesicoureteral reflux occurs in approximately 50% of duplex systems that undergo evaluation and most commonly involves the lower renal segment ureter. The therapeutic approach can be tailored for each case after careful evaluation of the anatomic and functional status of each renal unit. If reparative surgery is indicated and only…

Primary Article

Tay‐Sachs Disease A Pilot Screening Program for the Detection of the Heterozygote in the Charleston Jewish Community

ABSTRACT:A pilot screening program for the detection of the carrier (heterozygote) of the Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) gene has recently been completed at the Medical University of South Carolina. A fluorometric assay for serum hexosaminidase A and B was performed on the serum of 181 individuals from the Charleston Jewish community….

Primary Article

Ovarian Pregnancies With Dalkon Shield IUCDs In Situ Laparoscopic Visualization

ABSTRACT:Two ovarian pregnancies coexistent with intrauterine contraceptive devices are described. In one case, the ovary appeared to contain cyst at laparoscopy and rupture of the cyst and extrusion of the fetus were witnessed. In the second case, a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst bled at Iaparoscopy, and laparotomy resulted’ in the diagnosis…

Primary Article

Management of Patients With Modified Hunt Pouch Esophagojejunostomy After Total Gastrectomy for Carcinoma of Stomach

ABSTRACT:The Hunt pouch and its various modifications have been used as an esophagojejunostomy technic after total gastrectomy or esophagogastrectomy for benign and malignant conditions. This pouch procedure may be particularly useful for palliative gastric resections in which the patient's ability to ingest adequate foodstuffs might be enhanced by a larger…

Primary Article

Superior Mesenteric Artery (Wilkie's) Syndrome Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature

ABSTRACT:Of the three cases of superior mesenteric artery (Wilkie's) syndrome presented, one was associated with anorexia nervosa; this association has not been reported before. Two patients were treated surgically with a duodenojejunostomy, and one was treated medically. Vascular compression of the duodenum is a controversial subject. The syndrome probably is…

Clinical Brief

A New Approach to Pilonidal Sinus Excision

Primary Article

Hypnosis in Surgery—Why and When

ABSTRACT:Hypnosis offers an excellent alternative to conventional anesthesia in certain selected or complicated cases. Ten different patients were selected from a group of 38 and were studied thoroughly. Good surgery and a smooth recovery were possible through hypnosis, alone or with conventional anesthesia.

Primary Article

Long‐Term Effects of Laparoscopic Sterilization on Menstruation

ABSTRACT:The menstrual changes after laparoscopic sterilization were assessed in 200 women and compared with changes after conventional tubal ligation. About one third of the patients after laparoscopy had longer and heavier periods, but those women who were using oral contraception before operation fared worst. The reason for the menstrual changes…

Primary Article

Survey of Sudden Death in the Offices of Atlanta Physicians and Dentists

Primary Article

Postoperative Infection of Lumbar Intervertebral Disk Space

ABSTRACT:Sixteen cases of postoperative intervertebral disk space infection are reviewed. Most occurred after diskectomy, but one followed an unsuccessful attempt at a spinal anesthetic and two followed diskography. Treatment varied from aggressive surgery, either by a posterior, lateral, or anterior approach, to drain the infected disk space or spaces, to…

Primary Article

Pulmonary Vein Obstruction by Bronchogenic Carcinoma

ABSTRACT:Two patients with obstruction of the pulmonary veins by bronchogenic carcinoma, an unusual cause, are presented. These and other cases reported have had features suggestive of mitral stenosis. The differential diagnosis is discussed.

Primary Article

The Detection of Glass Foreign Bodies

ABSTRACT:Roentgenography is a reliable method for detecting glass foreign bodies resulting from trauma. The density of glass in comparison to surrounding tissue almost always provides sufficient contrast for roentgenographic differentiation. This method is slightly compromised by the relative size of the foreign body and the body part being examined, but…

Review Article

The Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders Before Birth

Current Concepts

Arthroscopy of the Knee Joint


The Medical Legacy of Apollo Aesculapius and Hippocrates


Eponym Henry S. Plummer—I2 the Rescue

Case Report

Migrating Placenta Previa

Case Report

Reye's Syndrome in a Neonate

Case Report

Dumbbell Granulomatous Abscess of the Chest Wall Following Needle Biopsy of the Pleura

Case Report

Multiple Myeloma on Polycythemia Vera Following Radioactive Phosphorus Therapy

Case Report

Mesenteric Thrombosis After Penetrating Cardiac Trauma

Case Report

Brain Abscess Caused by Cladosporium trichoides (Bantianum) A Case With Paranasal Sinus Involvement

Case Report

Dissecting Popliteal Cyst An Unusual Complication of Reiter's Syndrome

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