Original Article

CME Article: Meds to Beds at Hospital Discharge Improves Medication Adherence and Readmission Rates in Select Populations

Objectives: Medication nonadherence caused by difficulty obtaining and paying for medicines can increase hospital readmissions. This project implemented Medications to Beds (“Meds to Beds,” M2B), a multidisciplinary predischarge medication delivery program, at a large urban academic hospital that provided subsidized medications for uninsured and underinsured patients to reduce readmissions. Methods:…

Original Article

Early Performance of the Patients Over Paperwork Initiative among Family Medicine Physicians

Objectives: In 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services began implementing the Patients Over Paperwork (POP) initiative in response to clinicians reporting burdensome documentation regulations. To date, no study has evaluated how these policy changes have influenced documentation burden. Methods: Our data came from the electronic health records of…

Original Article

CME Article: Barriers to Mental Health Care Identified by Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals in Georgia and South Carolina

Objective: Geographic location can affect access to appropriate, affirming mental health care for sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals, especially for those living in rural settings. Minimal research has examined barriers to mental health care for SGM communities in the southeastern United States. The objective of this study was to…

Posted in: Mental Health44

Original Article

Elective Hand Surgery Is Delayed among Private Insurance Holders

Objectives: Patients with private healthcare plans often defer nonemergent or elective procedures toward the end of the year once they have met their deductible. No previous studies have evaluated how insurance status and hospital setting may affect surgical timing for upper extremity procedures. Our study aimed to evaluate the influence…

Original Article

Time to Hip Fracture Surgery and Mortality

Objective: This retrospective study explored the impact of time to surgery in acute hip fractures and outcomes in patients with acute hip fractures at a level I trauma center within an academic medical center in the southeastern United States. The objective was to explore the association between time to surgery…

Original Article

Marijuana Use in Middle and High School Students: Insights from the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey

Objective: The use of marijuana by middle and high school students could have important consequences, including physical harm, poor decision making, increased use of tobacco products, and involvement in the legal system. Determining the level of use by students provides the initial information needed to understand the extent of the…

Original Article

Association between Body Composition Parameters and Heart Rate in a Sample of Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa

Objectives: Eating disorders affect the physical and mental health of millions of Americans. Body composition trends in relation to heart rate in adolescents with eating disorders remain understudied. The aim of the present study was to determine whether body composition parameters (percent body fat, percent skeletal muscle mass) are correlated…

Posted in: Eating Disorders (Not Including Obesity)3

Original Article

A Survey of Louisiana Pediatricians’ Approach to Parenting Teens and Adolescent Reproductive Health

Objective: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pediatricians provide a medical home for adolescent parents, and this study sought to determine pediatricians’ compliance with this recommendation within the context of other adolescent reproductive health services provided. Methods: An Internet-based survey was administered to Louisiana pediatricians. The survey contained 17…

Posted in: Family Planning & Reproductive Health13


Barriers to Effective Transitions of Care from Adolescent to Adult Medicine

A well-planned and structured transition process of adolescents (ie, individuals ages 10–19 years of age as defined by the World Health Organization) to adult medicine should occur no later than ages 18 to 21 years.1,2 This transition of care (ie, structured and planned transfer) from adolescent medicine to adult medicine…

Original Article

Dermatology Residency Applicant Self-Reported Stressors and Coping Mechanisms by Sex, Race, and Geographic Region during the 2020–2021 Application Cycle

Objectives: Our aim was to identify self-reported stressors and coping mechanisms during the 2020–2021 application cycle by dermatology residency applicants. We hypothesized that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) would be the most reported stressor. Methods: During the 2020–2021 application season, the Mayo Clinic Florida Dermatology residency program sent a supplemental application…

Posted in: Dermatology10 Infectious Disease131

Original Article

Providing Structured Real-Time Feedback on Postdischarge Outcomes Using Electronic Health Record Data

Objectives: Most trainees do not receive information about postdischarge outcomes, despite the importance of external feedback for accurate self-assessment and improvement in discharge planning skills. We aimed to design an intervention to foster reflection and self-assessment by trainees regarding how they can improve transitions of care with minimal investment of…

Original Article

Pivoting during a Pandemic: Reimagining Intern Orientation EPA-Based OSCE

Objectives: Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) provide reliable and standardized means for assessing the performance of specific clinical skills. Our previous experience with entrustable professional activity-based multidisciplinary OSCEs suggests that this exercise offers just-in-time baseline information regarding critical intern skills. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic forced medical education programs to…

Posted in: Infectious Disease131

Review Article

Remdesivir-Induced Bradycardia

Remdesivir, a viral RNA–dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor, found extensive use in coronavirus disease 2019–infected patients because it curbs the viral load expansion. Among patients hospitalized as a result of lower respiratory tract infection, remdesivir proved to improve recovery time; however, remdesivir also can induce significant cytotoxic effects on cardiac myocytes….

Posted in: Infectious Disease131

Original Article

Open Access: Using Community Paramedicine to Treat Hepatitis C Virus in Upstate South Carolina

Objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an infection of the liver that can lead to significant liver damage and hepatocellular carcinoma. Individuals born between 1945 and 1965 and individuals with intravenous drug use represent the largest HCV demographics and often experience barriers to treatment. In this case series, we discuss…

Posted in: Infectious Disease131

Original Article

Investigating the Relation between Electronic Cigarette Use and Sleep Duration in Kentucky Using the BRFSS, 2016–2017

Objectives: Like traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) contain nicotine, which is known to negatively influence sleep quality. Few studies, however, have examined the relation between e-cigarettes and sleep quality using population-based survey data because of the relatively recent appearance of these products on the market. This study investigated the relation…

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