

Book Review

1958-59 Year Book of Drug Therapy

Book Review


Book Review

Our Nuclear Adventure

Book Review

Poliomyelitis. Papers and Discussions Presented at the Fourth International Poliomyelitis Conference

Book Review

Small Patients

Book Review

Recent Studies in Epidemiology

Book Review

Neurological Basis of Behavior. CIBA Foundation Symposium

Book Review

Practical Use of the Office Laboratory and X-ray, Including the Electrocardiograph

Book Review

Clinical Applications of Suggestion and Hypnosis

Book Review


Book Review

Practical Cardiology

Book Review

Gynecologic Endocrinology

Case Report

Treatment of Procaine Amide Intoxication

Case Report

Treatment of Meprobamate Intoxication with the Use of Methyl Phenidate: Case Report

Case Report

Malignant Meningioma: Case Report of a Parasagittal Meningioma of the Right Cerebral Hemisphere with Multiple Extracranial Metastases to the Vertebrae, Sacrum, Ribs, Clavicle, Lungs, Liver, Lett Kidney, Mediastinum and Pancreas

Case Report

Tricuspid Atresia: A Case Report of a 51 Year Old Woman Treated by an Extracardiac Shunt







Original Article

Newer Agents in Dermatologic Therapy

Tie authors describe their experiences with a number of new therapeutic agents,—steroids, antibiotics, ataractics and the like.

Original Article

Intussusception of the Rectal Mucosa A Common Cause of Rectal Pain

The author describes the recurrent bouts of severe pain referred to the rectum which he has found to be the result of prolapse of the rectal mucosa. He describes his method of treatment.

Original Article

Periarticular Ossification Following Burns

It seems likely that some metabolic disturbance underlies the periarticular ossification which may occur in association with extensive burns of the skin.

Original Article

Gastrografin: In Gastroenterologic Diagnosis

The authors give their experiences with a new contrast medium for use in visualization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Original Article

Prolapse of the Umbilical Cord An Analysis of 123 Cases

Fetal mortality is high if prolapse of the cord occurs. The predisposing causes are considered, and induction of labor seems to be important among these. Methods of prevention and treatment have been outlined.

Original Article

Micturition Syncope: Report of Two cases

These cases are of exceeding interest in that they point to a physiologic phenomenon which may not be uncommon, but has not been generally recognized, or at least not mentioned in the literature until very recently. That this should be so is amazing.

Original Article

Hospital Treatment and Re-education of the Disturbed Adolescent

Little has been done in the past in providing for disturbed children and adolescents in psychiatric wards or institutions. There is a definite trend toward this type of management.

Original Article

Observations on 1,500 Patients: Rapid Mobilization of Patients Following Cerebrovascular Accident

Original Article

Anesthesia for the Aged A Comparative Evaluation

The authors believe their experiences favor the use of a general anesthesia in the aged when operations on the hip are contemplated.

Original Article

Blood Flow Determined by the Use of Radioiodinated Serum Albumin and an Externally Placed Scintillator Detector

The authors offer a new tool which may make determinations of blood flow in certain areas of the body more feasible and much simpler than by methods now in use. This has great diagnostic and prognostic implications.

Original Article

Historical Development of Obstetric Education in the South

Original Article

Preanesthetic Medication: 1958 concepts

The authors have found that long tried methods of preanesthetic medication still seem to be the best.

Original Article

Pharmacodynamic Management of Cardiac Action During Deep Hypothermia

In the attempt to prevent permanent damage in the central nervous system during the prolonged ischemia demanded by cardiac surgery, hypothermia has been used to depress metabolic activity. Cardiac arrhythmias present a complication of the hypothermic state. This study attempts a solution of this complication with suggestions for the management…

Original Article

Pleuropulmonary Tularemia

Tularemia is still with us in the South. Since the Iaiety is aware of the disease in sick rabbits, this vector has become less prominent. Therefore the physician must be aware of the not infrequent tick-borne variety and suspect it in cases of the type described in this paper.

Original Article

Pregnancy in the Latter Years of Reproductive Life

Pregnancy in a woman forty years or over is, at best, uncommon, becoming increasingly so as the years advance. Complications of general health, as well as those of pregnancy and labor themselves, may be troublesome and particularly may be lethal to the child. This is a most interesting summary of…

Original Article

Operation for Correction of Protruding Ears

Abnormalities of the external ear are commonly sources of distress for those so afflicted. Frequently such persons wish an operation for cosmetic reasons; in others there may be other reasons. In any event the author believes operation is justifiable for several reasons.

Original Article

Gout in Orthopedic Practice

Gout is probably the most misdiagnosed of the arthritides. If the physician will have a healthy suspicion for this disease he will be surprised by its frequency.

Original Article

Trends in Industrial Psychology

Original Article

Incidence of Ventricular and Subarachnoid Filling in Fractional Encephalography

The advantages of fractional encephalography seem to be several,— relatively little discomfort, the cooperation of the patient and selective filling of certain areas as desired.

Original Article

Hydrochlorothiazide in the Therapy of Edema

The effectiveness of the sulfonamide diuretics has been established. This will lead to continued search for variants of this chemical group which not only may be effective but also be associated with a minimum of side effects. This paper describes the results in the use of one of this group…

Original Article

Hearing Loss Due to Industrial Noise

Conservation of hearing may be an important facet of preventive medicine in certain industries.

Original Article

Clinical Management of Acute Bronchiolitis in Infants

The management of this disease has been much easier and with a much better prognosis since the advent of antibiotics and oxygen therapy. With proper treatment the mortality should be nil.

Original Article

A New Method for Identifying Blood of the Portal Circulation

The authors recount their findings by a new experimental approach in an attempt to evolve a method for determining the origin of blood in bleeding in portal cirrhosis.

Original Article

Evaluation of Radiation Therapy of Bladder Carcinoma

The authors evaluate the careful and studied use of a combination of radical irradiation and surgery in the management of malignancy of the bladder.

Original Article

Cytologic Diagnosis of Cervical Malignancy: Routine Smears in Private Practice

The authors emphasize the accuracy of cytologic diagnosis as confirmed by adequate cercival biopsy by the knife. They stress the wide conization of the cervix as a proper biopsy to obtain sufficient tissue for pathologic study.

Original Article

Advantages and Application of Tubeless Gastric Analysis

The advantages of determining the secretion of free hydrochloric acid by a dye excreted in the urine surely are obvious. However, this method still awaits the development of means of quantitating the acid.

Southern Medical News



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