
Robert D. Moreton, M.D. – Prominent Radiologist Chosen President-Elect of the Southern Medical Association






Local Therapy in the Extensively Burned

The author has reviewed the management of burns with emphasis upon the local management to attain comfort, rapidity of healing and with lessened scar.

Grand Rounds

Medical Grand Rounds from the University of Alabama Medical Center

Original Article

Problems in the Construction of an Ileal Bladder

Pelvic exenteration for cancer poses the problem of urinary diversion and the method to be chosen. The authors make a strong case for the ileal bladder because of ease of management and control, and long-term adequate function.

Original Article

Hydrotherapy in the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Burns

The use of hydrotherapy, in the farm of whirlpool baths to burns of the body and extremities and compresses to those of the head and face, has seemed most useful. Thereby progression from second to third degree, because of infection, has been prevented. Grafts have been needed less frequently.

Original Article

Further Studies in Cholecystography

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Diagnostic Criteria of Bronchial Asthma

The author dislikes the term “asthmatic bronchitis.” He attempts to clarify the confusion by a set of criteria to be applied to each asthmatic patient.

Original Article

Injuries to the Ankle

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Chemical Face Peeling An Adjunct to Surgical Facelifting

Cosmetic surgery has come of age. The authors describe a method, apparently safe, and successful in selected patients, in the psychotherapy of aging women who feel the need for such treatment.

Original Article

Cerebral Cortical Biopsy A New Vista for the Pathologist

The cerebral biopsy suggests many interesting possibilities. It would seem this aid should be pursued further.

Original Article

Ergotamine Tartrate in the Treatment of Vascular Headaches

Original Article

Complications of Bronchial Asthma

If physicians would visualize the possible ultimate outcome of recurrent asthma over the years, and were able to convince the patient of the hazards he runs, pulmonary crippling could be reduced. Both doctors and patients all too often think only in terms of the asthmatic episode. They do not take…

Original Article

A Chemical Tourniquet for Vaginal Surgery

In an attempt to reduce blood loss and thus to avoid postoperative transfusions in vaginal operations, the authors have used vasoconstricting solutions, infiltrated locally. They believe the results have been salutary.

Original Article

Changing Concepts in the Treatment of Burns

Advances in the management of burns in recent years demand this review. At best the treatment of burned patients offers a serious challenge to the doctor, and he may need the aid of every available technic and drug.

Original Article

Use of Nicotinic Acid to Reduce Serum Cholesterol and Remove Tissue Cholesterol

To quote from the author,5—“the use of nicotinic acid in large doses, like any form of therapy for hypercholesterolemia, must be considered experimental until the ultimate effect on human atherosclerosis can be assessed.”


Principles in the Treatment of Vaginitis

The treatment of vaginitis may be difficult and often is unsatisfactory. The etiologic diagnosis must be established, and only then can specific treatment be instituted in the hope of getting a good result.


Social Class and Medical Practice

Here is a topic to which few doctors have given thought. The reader may well be startled with what he should have known, had he given the problem some thought. Not only does the matter carry implications related to good medical care, but to political viewpoints as well.

Southern Medical News



Surgical Approaches to the Nasopharynx

The removal of tumors from the nasopharynx and the correction of certain congenital anomalies offers technical problems of exposure. The author reviews the technics available and his use of them in his surgical approach to the nasopharynx.


Postoperative Complications of Cataract Surgery: A Preliminary Report


Vomiting Following Cataract Surgery


Flat Anterior Chambers Following Intraocular Surgery


Complications of Congenital Cataract Surgery

Ophthalmologic surgery may be attended by certain complications, mainly of local nature, though vomiting may also occur. The causative factors in the latter have not been recognized as yet. Other complications which may accompany any circumstances requiring confinement to bed may be encountered. The local complications which may accompany particularly…

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