
SMA to Sponsor Post Convention Meeting

Following its Annual Meeting in Atlanta, the Southern Medical Association's Orient Adventure leaves Atlanta, Georgia, and Washington, DC, on November 15, 1969, for 14 fun-filled days in exotic Japan and Hong Kong.


Looking Them Over

By the use of illustrative cases, the author points to diagnoses made by the careful observations which come through experience. These represent diseases in which diagnosis rests on the physical examination only, confirmed in some instances by highly selective tests.


Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Diagnosis and Surgical Management

A review of present day diagnostic and therapeutic technics in the treatment f primary hyperparathyroidism is presented. Particular caution is recommended in the use of supravital staining technics.

Book Review

Support of the Filing Circulation

Book Review

Clinical Pathology. Interpretation and Application

Book Review

Adolescence – Care and Counseling

Case Report

Mycotic Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta: A Case Due to Salmonella choleraesuis var. kunzendorf

Case Report

Physical Activity after Myocardial Infarction – Changing Concepts

Concepts of management of those having had myocardial infarction have changed dramatically in the past several decades. The author reviews these in an interesting and instructive fashion.

Case Report

Carcinoma of the Gallbladder Report of 45 Cases

This is an eight year, review of carcinoma of the gallbladder with emphasis on the poor prognosis. The relative lack of influence by radical surgery and a plea for elective cholecystectomy for cholelithiasis are presented.

Case Report

Acute Appendicitis in a Small Community Hospital

The author presents a review of the first five years' experience in the management of appendicitis in a 100 bed hospital, stressing diagnostic accuracy, a plea for early operation and the lack of mortality.

Case Report

The Current Role of Surgery for Pulmonary Embolism

The collected experience of a large medical center in the management of thromboembolic disease is presented. The indications and technics of caval interruption and pulmonary embolectomy are discussed.

Case Report

The Complaint of Pain in the Clinical Setting of Affective Disorders

This paper is important in directing attention to the complaint of pain as a symptom in an affective disorder. The physiologic explanation for pain is not clear, but its attribute as a symptom of an affective state can be documented without question. The significance of such pain is clearly of…

Case Report

Radium vs Cesium 137 in the Treatment of Skin Cancer A Comparative Study of Their Dose‐rates and Effects

Cesium 137, having certain similarities to radium, has been proposed as a substitute for the latter in the irradiation of skin lesions. The authors question the alleged advantages of cesium over radium, believing that it is unnecessary to change from an older well tried source of irradiation.

Case Report

The Use of Local Anesthetic Agents in Obstetrics

The authors consider the frequency of inadvertent intravenous injections of local anesthetic agents in the use of block anesthesia in obstetrics. They describe the events which follow such intravenous injections. Furthermore, they describe the precautions which should be observed in such block anesthesia.

Case Report

Emotional Problems of the Child with Mental Retardation and His Family

The psychiatric problems of the mentally retarded child must be recognized for what they are so indicated treatment may be used, often with success. The parental burden of a retarded child in the family is often difficult of management and may require much support from the family physician.

Case Report

Pitfalls in the Surgery of the Female Genital System in Infancy and Childhood

The authors present a comprehensive review of problems associated with genitourinary abnormalities in infancy and childhood with suggestions for proper management.

Case Report

Nonunion of the Carpal Navicular Analysis of 42 Cases Treated by the Russe Procedure

The author reviews the common story in nonunited fractures of this site. He recounts his success with the Russe type of operation.

Case Report

Climatic Factors in Ischemic Heart Disease

During studies of the effect of climatic environment upon heart disease, the authors encountered two patients who developed angina pectoris while at bed rest but exposed to elevated environmental temperatures. These and other studies point to air-conditioning as probably favorable to the management of heart disease.

Case Report

Topical Chemotherapy of Cutaneous Malignancy of the Head and Neck

When such cancers are too many and widespread for the use of the usual means of treatment, the local use of 5-fluorouracil, a cancerocidal drug, has been shown to be effective in management.

Case Report

Medical Grand Rounds from the University of Alabama Medical Center

Case Report

A Seminal Vesicle Cyst In Association with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis and Lumbar Scoliosis

Case Report

Lipoatrophic Diabetes: Case Report

This report describes a patient with the rate syndrome of lipoatrophic diabetes which began at age 9 years. The disorder is characterized by accelerated growth, diffuse lipoatrophy, abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, hepatic cirrhosis and skin abnormalities.The pathogenesis and other aspects of this disorder are reviewed.

Case Report

Salmonella choleraesuis Infections in Man A Report of 19 Cases and a Critical Literature Review

Salmonellosis from this organism is rare, but interesting because of the clinical manifestations which may occur unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract. Longstanding osteomyelitis is one of these unusual features.

Case Report

The Effect of ACTH upon Patients Having Regional Enteritis

The authors have found a satisfactory response to ACTH in active regional enteritis, although recurrences are not uncommon. These will respond again to ACTH or steroids orally. A surgical attack on the disease often becomes necessary.

Case Report

Clinical Evaluation of Hypertension Six Weeks Postpartum

No explanation has been found for the not uncommon finding of hypertension at the six week postpartum examination. A comparison with findings in women who had had toxemia during pregnancy are not too significant though the latter had the hallmarks of toxemia. The had hypertension at six weeks postpartum.

Case Report

Atresia of the Small Intestine

A review of the experience for the last 10 years with small bowel atresia at the Charity Hospital is presented. The authors stress the modern concepts in the cause of this major congenital anomaly.

Case Report

Significance of the Primary in Metastatic Cancer of the Neck

Multivariate computer analysis has been employed to attempt to correlate certain common factors influencing survival in patients with occult carcinoma of the head and neck. This method undoubtedly will improve our understanding f the natural history of cancer.

Case Report

Artificial testicles in Children

Agenesis of the testicle is psychologically traumatic. Of 238 inguinal explorations performed for undescended testicles, an incidence of 8.5 percent of atrophy or agenesis of the testicle was found. Silastic artificial testicles were implanted successfully in 23 to 24 children.

Case Report

The Laster and Its Biomedical Application

The use of the laser is described with increasing frequency in the medical literature. Though its use is still pretty much in the experimental stage and as a research tool, it is beginning tentatively to feel its way into clinical medicine. It seems highly probable that this physical modality will…

Case Report

Repeated Hydatidiform Mole Complicated by Choriocarcinoma

Case Report

Reliability of Brain Scans and Electroencephalograms in Combination

The two year follow-up of 100 patients with neurologic symptoms but without positive findings indicates that negative findings by examination f the cerebrospinal fluid, the electroencephalogram, roentgenograms, and now brain scans with radioactive isotopes, in combination, provide a high probability of the absence of a progressive organic lesion.

Clinical Brief

Urethral Meatoplasty in the Male Child



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