

Original Article

Albumin, Alpha1, 2, Beta, and Gamma Globulins in Cancer and Other Diseases*

The authors have developed correlations between the findings of constituents of the blood as determined by a multi-autoanalyzer and the clinical diagnoses of the patients.

Original Article

Clinical Applications of Australia/Hepatitis-Associated Antigen

The identification and characterization in recent years of the Australia or hepatitis-associated antigen represents an important breakthrough in our knowledge of the natural history of viral hepatitis. This report summarizes the present status of our knowledge of this antigen and the relationship to various clinical situations.

Original Article

Concurrent Hypoglycemia and Lactic Acidosis in a Diabetic Treated with Chlorpropamide and Phenformin

The occurrence of hypoglycemia and lactic acidosis is rare. Lactic acidosis is recognized as occurring in diabetics treated or untreated. The relationship of the antidiabetic drugs used in the case to the acidosis is not certain. Nevertheless the combination of circumstances described in this patient is of clinical interest.

Original Article

Neurologic Manifestations of the Noonan Syndrome

This paper describes the incidence and nature of neurologic abnormalities in patients with Noonan's syndrome. Of 25 patients, 21 exhibited some neurologic disturbance including mental retardation, motor abnormalities and articulation defects.

Original Article

Fibrosis of the Anterior Chamber*

The authors point to fibrosis of the anterior chamber as a clinical entity uncommonly recognized before enucleation. They correlate the clinical manifestations with pathologic findings.

Original Article

Survival of a Patient Following Left Nephrectomy with Suprarenal and Infrarenal Vena Caval Resection

This case report is an unusual one in that a collateral circulation to the right kidney permitted continued function following removal of the inferior vena cava at the suprarenal level.

Original Article

Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Tumors*

Original Article

Evaluation of Blood Glucose in Neonates with a Reflectance Meter

Hypoglycemia in the neonate is common and always potentially serious. This report compares blood glucose measurements obtained by a reflectance meter with those obtained by other technics.

Original Article

Nephrostomy and the Cancer Patient

This timely paper approaches a topic which often is controversial and influenced by personal bias. The data presented probably are unmatched in the literature, and attempt to establish criteria to aid the responsible attending physician and/or consulting urologist in coming to a decision in a given patient.

Original Article

A Descriptive Assessment of the Pychiatric Practice of Nonpsychiatric Physicians in South Carolina

This interesting investigation reveals that a high proportion of practitioners have an intrinsic interest in the psychiatric problems of their patients and carry on their treatment. Additionally they have confidence in psychiatrists and commonly refer their patients for psychiatric consultation.

Original Article

The Cosmetic Uses of Trichloroacetic Acid Peeling in Dermatology*

Original Article

Complications in the Urinary Tract Related to Treatment of Carcinoma of the Cervix*

The authors from a detailed review of their clinical material describe and discuss the complications which follow treatment of cervical cancer whether by external or internal irradiation, or by surgical treatment, or a combination of both. They point to the pathophysiology involved in the tumor's growth,—the effect of invasion upon…

Original Article

Experience with Dismembered Pyeloplasty: Interesting Complications*

The authors point up the failures, which may follow this procedure. From these experiences they suggest the modifications in procedure which may avoid failures and/or the need for secondary operations.

Original Article

Cystectomy and Segmental Resection for Primary Carcinoma of the Bladder: Experience at Ochsner Clinic 1942–1968

From a study of 85 patients operated upon for carcinoma of the bladder, the authors set criteria for the choice of surgical procedures in patients with this disease. They considered the several procedures providing for urinary diversion. The overall 5 year survival rate of patients treated by cystectomy and diversion…

Original Article

The Scope of Illicit Drug Use in a Vietnam Combat Unit

Not infrequently reference is made to the use of drugs among Army personnel. Since these references appear in newspapers and popular magazines, the reader is not certain of the source. Here is a timely documentation of drug abuse under one set of circumstances.

Original Article

A History of Coronary Artery Surgery*

Original Article

A Clinical Evaluation of the Intrauterine Device for Control of Conception*

The author demonstrates the success of the IUD as a contraceptive measure found acceptable to file user, without worry or inconvenience, and with few failures in terms of expulsion.


Ben H. Nicholson Memorial Lecture Congenital Syphilis: A Review of Its Present Status and Significance in Pediatrics

Case Report

Chronic Intravascular Coagulation Syndrome Associated with Atherosclerotic Aortic Aneurysm

This report describes a woman with an atherosclerotic aortic aneurysm and a chronic consumption coagulopathy of remarkably long duration—two and one-half years. The association of these disorders is reviewed and rationale for treatment discussed.

Case Report

Association of Bacterial Endocarditis with Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis

Current Concepts

Current Concepts in Therapy: Rifampin

Clinical Brief

Treatment of Whipworm Infection with Thiabendazole

Original Article

Protection from Sunlight: Evaluation of a New Screening Agent

Case Report

Alcoholic Ketoacidosis

Southern Medical News


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